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How to display superscript in UltraWebGrid cell

I want to display a superscript for a footnote after cell text.  I tried setting the cell.Value to 

cell.Value + "<sup>1</sup>".  It doesn't work. The "1" displays alongside the cell text, not above it.

  • 7570
    Suggested Answer

    Hello cs31415,

    I apologize for the delay of my response.

    I tested the code snippet you have provided, using ActiveCellChange event. I was able to get successful results.

    Below is a snippet of the function: 

    protected void UltraWebGrid1_ActiveCellChange(object sender, Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebGrid.CellEventArgs e)
            e.Cell.Value = "Infragistics";
            e.Cell.Value = e.Cell.Value + "<sup>1</sup>";

    Please let me know if you have any questions.

  • 7570

    Hello cs31415,

    I am currently researching on this case.

    I will provide you with more information before the week ends.

    Thank you.