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We want your feedback/suggestions!


My name is Brent Schooley and I am the Developer Interaction Designer for the NetAdvantage Reporting product.  My job is to make sure your experience with the product is positive and productive.  It's very important to us that we meet your needs with NetAdvantage Reporting so your feedback is very valuable!

Is there something we're missing?  Something that could be made easier/more valuable?  Anything that bugs you that you'd like to see done differently?  Let me know so that I can help get the changes made so that the product is what you need.

If you have thoughts there are a few way you can let me know:

  • Reply to this topic
  • Email me: bschooley at infragistics dot com
  • Twitter: @brentschooley

Let's work together to make this a great product!



  • 445

    Hi there Brent,

    I am a developer in a small team. We are allready using your WinForms to help us with our application. A great product with a lot of possibilitys. For reporting we currently use Crystal Reports. It does it job, it does it pretty well, but nearly every release gets us into trouble....seems our QA-Team has its problems.


    Anyway, I would love to switch to full infragistics support in the future.
    I am curently testing the trial version of your Reporting solution and I think its off to a good start.
    However, there are things that are bugging me:

    -I can not resize the grid that I want my elements snap to
    -I don't have the option to use Grid/Help-Lines for better element alignment
    -There are no vertical lines yet (letting them expand to the end of the section it is in would propably be needed too)
    -Sometimes the data sources and parameters aren't shown and I have to re-open the report (Visual Studio 2010)
    -In Crystal Reports I got the option to create unlimited(?) sections within the "Position Section" (the section thats holding the amount-n values...basicly the items of a single order). I'd love this option in your reporting solution....
    -I'd need the option to add rules to a whole section to let hide/show it
    -It would be great to have the option to completely hide a element on runtime if it meets a specific criteria. I dont want my field to just show nothing, I want it to be the section it is in actually does resize too. Right now with our Crystal Reports Solution it is a must-have.
    -More native support for more chart-types. I recently used the pie-chart and web-chart in Crystal Reports. Sure, with your solution I could create the chart with one of your other Controls, save it to bmp and dynamicly load it into the report....but thats just a hot-fix.
    -add support for rtf
    -would be great to have a Name for each element on the report so I can modify the element on runtime

    now some questions which are bugging me:

    -Why doesnt the content of my PAGE HEADER section show on the first page? Maybe you can give the PAGE HEADER section a flag "Show on first page" or something like that. Same with the Page Footer.
    -Why can't I mark multiple elements in the report designer? I know I can do so by holding CTRL, but why not mark it with the mouse the way we do it in nearly every OS with the files?
    -Do you plan on adding the option to assign a name to each element on my report and hiding the real formula within that element? Right now my report is full of formulas, stuff like

    =Fields.ID =Fields.OriginalPrice =First(Fields.CustomerLastName, @"OrderMainReportingItem") + ", " + First(Fields.CustomerFirstName, @"OrderMainReportingItem")

    This makes it hard to find the element thats giving trouble.


    Thats it for now. I think you did a great job, even though some basics seem to be missing. I will keep an eye on this and hope that my company will choose your reporting solution for our flagship-application in the near future....I'll be talking to my lead developer about this regulary from now on.

    Thank you for your time


  • 645
    Offline posted
    • Sort the field names in the expression chooser and allow keypresses to jump to relevant items, e.g. press B to jump to properties begining with b.
    • Make the expression chooser find properties that are higher up the inheritance chain, I appear to be missing properties in the object several layers up, this may be because I'm using Generics.
  • 280

    Hi Brent

    I am developing a part of a software which is supposed to show, print, create, alter and export reports of the data collected inside the main solution.

    The most amazing solution would be, a control for editing reports (igr-files). We have a relativly static set of Data to export, so I could provide the end-user with a fix set of object-data-sources and, with your help, the possibility to edit his report templates; put in his own coorperation logo, color his own background, pick the fields he would like to display from the definition of the data source(and not those we would have to define hardcoded) ... etc. Afterwards the report should be safed and is then usable for anyone to display the report.

    I also would like to load report templates(igr-files) from anywhere; resources, relative uri, absolute uri, string, and stream.

    I am sure i will come up with more ideas. Those are the ones I would be eager to see being implemented.

    Thanks in advance