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UltraWebGrid ExcelExporter HeaderRowExporting event issue

I have an issue with changes to header captions made in HeaderRowExporting event not reflecting in the exported excel file.  


            exportControl.XLSExport.HeaderRowExporting += new Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebGrid.ExcelExport.HeaderRowExportingEventHandler(XLSExport_HeaderRowExporting);

void XLSExport_HeaderRowExporting(object sender, Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebGrid.ExcelExport.HeaderRowExportingEventArgs e)


            // unindent child headers for xls export

            if (e.CurrentOutlineLevel > 0)

                e.CurrentColumnIndex = 0;

            FormatHeadersForExport(e.Band, ExportType.Excel);



        private void FormatHeadersForExport(UltraGridBand band, ExportType exportType)


            if (band.Index == 0)


                foreach (UltraGridColumn col in band.Columns)


                    switch (col.Key)


                        case "EstNavPerShare":

                        case "NavPerShare":

                        case "EstimatedEndingBalance":

                        case "EndingBalance":

                            col.Header.Caption = Regex.Replace(col.Header.Caption, "<span.*", "");







The headerRowExporting handler fires, and I see the caption being renamed, yet the excel document output doesn't have this change.  Frustrating.  Btw, the same code works for PDF exporter.  

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