I have a WebGrid, that's using XMLLoadOnDemand. It's set to Virtual. On my local everything is working fine.
But a problem comes up on PROD server.
It seems, it's acting like "Accumulative" loading instead of the "Virtual" that i have specified.
Another starnge thing is that the progress indicator gif doesn't get displayed (the ig_common files are in place, for the other pages it's working fine).
Also a JavaScript UltraWebGrid1_XmlVirtualScrollHandler function is specified. On my local it get's triggered when i scroll the grid, but on PROD it doesn't.
What could cause the problem? (Could it be some JavaScript error ??!?!)
Any HELP is appreciated!
It is really hard to tell and depends on a lot of factors. I guess the best way to proceed would be to install developer debugging tools from browsers - I recommend FireBug for FireFox, but IE Web Developer ToolBar and Fiddler are good as well. This way you can double check what gets requested from the browser and what gets fetched + you will most probably get a more meaningful and descriptive javascript error message.
If this does not help, then any additional information like IG Product versions, ASP.NET server versions, browsers used, etc, etc will surely provide additional details.