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Notificaiton zone about country


I'm trying to display a notification area when the mouse is over a country to add some informations about it. But I have not found a solution. Anyone can helps me?


Thank you

  • 2505
    Offline posted

    Hi heni86_2003,

    You could try the following approach.
        <Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" Background="White">
                <RowDefinition Height="400"/>
                <RowDefinition Height="*"/>
            <ListBox x:Name="lstHoveredElement" Height="250" Width="400" Grid.Row="0"/>

            <igMap:XamMap x:Name="XamMap1" ElementHover="XamMap1_ElementHover" Grid.Row="1">
                    <igMap:MapLayer x:Name="Europe" Brushes="Red Blue Green Yellow Orange" FillMode="RandomSelect">
                            <igMap:ShapeFileReader Uri="Shapefiles/europe/europe" DataMapping="Name=CNTRY_NAME; Caption=CNTRY_NAME; ToolTip=CURR_TYPE"/>

            private void XamMap1_ElementHover(object sender, Infragistics.Controls.Maps.MapElementHoverEventArgs e)
                this.lstHoveredElement.Items.Add(String.Format("The hovered element is: {0}.", e.Element.Caption));

    Hope that helps,
    Milana Zhileva