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Numeric Editor limited to 1000?

I installed 

NetAdvantage for Visual Studio LightSwitch 2011 Vol. 1 Light (Free)

When I apply the Numeric editor in Lightswitch 2011 (and putting the 'maximum' property to let's say 100000 instead of the default 1000) I get an error message on my life data screen as soon as the value of the numeric field goes over 1000.

First I thought it had to do with the mask and regional settings (those settings on my system are 'Dutch'), but even without masking the error message pops up when the value is greater than the default 1000. 

It may have to do with the fact that it concerns the 'free' version, but that is not documented as such.

Has anyone a clue of how this issue could be solved?  I am considering of acquiring the full version, but this experience makes me somewhat weary.