We just updated from IE7 to IE8, I am using Infragistics NetAdvantage 2011.1.
The grid loads fine but when I go to filtering and type in a search string (I am using filtering on the client side) it takes at least 3-4 MINUTES to actually filter the grid. IE7 takes about 4 seconds.
I have searched the web but can't find any solution.
Please help ASAP as this is really becoming an issue.
Hello,Is it an option to use WebDataGrid/WebHierarchicalGrid instead? We have retired our clasic ultracontrols in our latest version. This issue is not cause by our controls but by the way this browser renders html tables. For performance improvement I would suggest to load as many rows and columns as you can.
I am facing same issue..The grid loads fine but when I go to filtering and type in a search string (I am using filtering on the client side) it takes at least 3-4 MINUTES to actually filter the grid.
None of above posted link by you is helpful..
Please provide some reasonable solution.
Hello,Yes it is. I would suggest you to take a look at our performance page in our online documentation - http://help.infragistics.com/NetAdvantage/ASPNET/2011.1/CLR4.0/?page=WebGrid_Performance.html . If it is not helpfull for you i would suggest using our new Aikido WebDataGrid which is more performance oriented. Please also take a note our clasic Ultra controls had been retired with the latest version of NetAdvantage 11.2
Is that not the same link you posted above?
Hello,Another reasonable suggestion is provided in the following forum post :http://forums.infragistics.com/forums/p/60699/308359.aspx#308359