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XamComboEditor does not display the selectedItem and dose not syc the dataContext


I got a weird problem with using XamComboEditor, but I could not reproduce it in a small solution. 


1. When I load the XamComboEditor, I set the selectedItem in back end code. The item is selected, but it is not shown in the textbox. 

Following is when it is loaded, the first 

If I click the dropdown button, it is as following:

2. I am using twoway mode binding. But when I set the selectedItem in the back end code, the dataContext is not updated. And the convertBack function in the converter is never called. But if I change the selectedItem from the browser, the dataContext is updated properly.


I tried to repro it in a simple solution, but I could not repro the problem any more. I am sorry if you could not understand the problem without a demo.


Anyone has an idea?

Thank you very much

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