Perhaps I have been doing this wrong but up until 11.2 I would grab my datachart and simply set the WindowScaleHorizontal property to 1 to reset the zoom. Apparently this no longer works? I updated to 11.2 and now my zoom out function does nothing. Was I doing this incorrectly before? How am I supposed to accomplish this now? Is there an extra step?
Nevermind...For some reason I never looked for a method to reset the zoom. However, now there is a ResetZoom() function. Has that always been there and I just missed it?
Hello Mike,
I am glad that you have solved your issue. The method ‘ResetZoom’ has been provided since the release of our NetAdvantage 2011 vol.2 package.
If you need any further assistance on this matter, feel free to ask.
Yeah, Mike, that was added later. Another way to do it would be to do something like this:
theChart.WindowRect = new Rect(0,0,1,1);
But the method is easier, huh?