Is there a way to do a shift + mouse click to select all items in the xamComboEditor? If not, what would be the workaround for the most easliest way to select all items in the CombotEditor? Any answer would be apprecicated!
Hello Chris,
I have modified the sample I sent you before, so now I don’t use the name of the XamComboEditor. Basically I bound the Tag of the Grid, which PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown event I handled to the TempaltedParent and this way I was able to get the ComboEditor in the handler.
Hope this helps you.
Thanks for your update. Sorry to troubling you again but I noticed you put a xamComboEditor1 inside the StackPanel_MouseLeftButtonDown method. Since I have more than 1 ComboEditor, do you have a more generic way to acheive the same? thanks for advice.
I have add comments I the code of the sample I sent you before. Also I can say that I copied the default Style of the ComboEditorItemControl, so I can be able to handle the MouseDown event of a StackPanel that holds the elements of each Item.
Mind if you can pin-point what are the codes you have made the changes on? It's quite hard for me to understand what you have done and apply it to my code. Thanks!
I have also created a sample project for you with the functionality you want, which you can use until the feature request is implemented.