Hi I am Marko,
What I want to do is to fill xamGrid with email titles and then to have an option to expand each row so that I can see email body (text that is) . And that text can be very big or very small and there fore height of the expanded row can vary (be very high or very low). I saw on this site that xamGrid has an option to make rows expandable. How do I achieve all this? Because when I load email text in the grid the row height is always the same and its the height that I specified in properties of the grid for example 23px. This way I can not see hole of the text - I can see only part of the email text - part that fits into that columns width. I want to see hole of the text no matter how big it is (multiple rows text and not in one line). When I set column width to "Auto" width of the column goes wide as far as header text of that column -and this is behavior that i wand but also I want the height of the row to grow according to the size of the email body text. I don't now how to do this.
Please help.
Best regards,
I am having a problem understanding how this works:
Can someone please put here some sample project with Access database (I am using SQL 2008) so that I can see how do I get data from the database into the class objects and the into grid. I am asking this cause I can't understand this part with binding data to the columns:
Text="{Binding Source={StaticResource Strings} , Path=XWG_OrderDetails_Discount}"
This is how I load data into grid from database: I make new class "Users" and make method in service "GetUsers" that executes sql query and gets data from db onto list of objects of "Users" class and returns that list. When execution of the service method is completed I do this xamGrid1.ItemsSource = e.Result; and grid displays data.
How is this "http://samples.infragistics.com/sllob/RunSamples.aspx?cn=grid#/grid/handling-hierarchical-data-sets" different ? comparing to the my method described above??
Please help,
I have been looking into your question and in order to show multiline TextBlock or TextBox you can set their TextWrapping property to "Wrap".
Please feel free to ask any questions related to the discussed topic.
Developer Support Engineer
Infragistics, Inc.
I have tried what you said but with no luck. My text block doesn't expand, here is the code:
<TextBlock Name="labOpisProblemaVal" Text="Đoković je u finalu pobedio Britanca Endija Marija sa 6:1, 7:6, a posle meča proveo je zanimljivih sat vremena pre nego što je napustio kompleks u Ki Biskejnu. Srpski teniser je prvo proslavio trijumf u svlačionici, a potom nije propustio priliku da se zahvali svima koji imali svoju ulogu na turniru, da bi pri kraju i zapevao sa popom. Kako je sve izgledalo, možete da se uverite i sami…" VerticalAlignment="Top" HorizontalAlignment="Center" Margin="0 10 0 0" FontFamily="Arial" FontSize="11" Width="300" Padding="1 1 1 1" Canvas.ZIndex="999" />
.. It doesn't expand I can see only one line with width=300px.
Please help
I have not resolved this issue yet.
Thank you for your answer.
Both the TextBox and the TextBlock controls will automatically resize according to the FontSize of their text, so you just have to remove the height declaration and let the control handles it for you. In case you explicitly give some height value it will be taken with a propriety and the automatic resize would not fire at all.
Please in case of future Infragistics related topics feel free to contact us.
Hi it's me again, what control can I use that I can set to have fixed width let's say of 100px but to keep height depending of the amount of text in it. And more important how do I do that?? I set width="100" and height="Auto" or maybe height="*" Should I use textblock ??