If you design a landscape report and attempt to print it on a printer where the paper is set to portrait, then you get the following message displayed;
Current printer paper size is different than the report's paper size. Do you want to scale the content to fit?
It does make some sens that this message is displayed but it does confuse users who's response is always going to be 'well, I don't have this problem with Word...'.
Is there some way we can override this message appearing and just automatically select the option to override the printer paper size?
If this is not currently possible could I please request that it be included in a future release?
Many thanks.
What would be a solution when using Silverlight?
Is this something that will be rectified in the 14.1 release?
I had a user contact me today about this and I came across this thread in my research.
I can't see that telling every user to select No is a valid solution. Or even having my own Print button as I have over 20 reports and only one is landscape.
Hello Tim,
There is similar method. Please take a look on http://help.infragistics.com/Help/Doc/Reporting/2013.2/CLR4.0/html/InfragisticsWPF4.Controls.Reports.v13.2~Infragistics.Controls.Reports.XamReportViewer~Print(PaperSettings,PrintQueue,PageRange,Boolean).html
In your scenario, you could use external button instead of default Print button.
Let me know if you have any further questions.
Hi Georgi,
Thanks for the suggestion. It is great to know that something happens to the things that get reported here.
I think your suggestions is only valid for the Windows Forms Viewer. I am using the WPF viewer in a WPF application and the print button is part of that which appears to be out of the control of the WPF application.
Can you confirm that I am correct and if you know of any way of solving this problem with the WPF viewer?
Many thanks,
Hi Guys,
Maybe the easiest way to solve this task, could be if you are using Print() method of your ReportViewer. If you take a look on the last Boolean parameter, you could display or hide the conflict message. For example you could use the code below:
private void ultraButton1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Infragistics.Win.UltraWinReportViewer.PageSettings currentPageSettings = ultraReportViewer1.GetCurrentPageSettings();
Infragistics.Win.UltraWinReportViewer.PaperSettings paperSettings = new Infragistics.Win.UltraWinReportViewer.PaperSettings(currentPageSettings.PaperSize, currentPageSettings.PageOrientation);
ultraReportViewer1.Print(paperSettings, "My PrimoPDF printer", Infragistics.Win.UltraWinReportViewer.PageRange.All, false);
More details you could find in our online documentation: