I have recently migrated a solution from Infragistics 6 to infragistics 11.1 to get it working with IE9. But I am getting some weird issues with IE9. Ultrawebmenu is showing strange behavior and Drop down list has moved to left side of the page and sub-menu is overwriting the main menu. It was working correctly in IE8.
Its showing the same behaviour with component , set-up , configuration drop down as well.
here is the ultraweb menu control code.
<ignav:UltraWebMenu ID="MainUltraWebMenu" runat="server" CssClass="Normal" Cursor="Default"
Height="28px" ItemPaddingSubMenus="0" ItemPaddingTop="0" ItemSpacingTop="0" SubMenuImage="..\Infragistics\Images\ig_menuTri.gif"
TopAligment="Center" JavaScriptFilename="" JavaScriptFileNameCommon="" WebMenuStyle="WinClient"
DisabledClass="" FileUrl="" LeafItemImageUrl="" ParentItemImageUrl="" TargetFrame=""
TargetUrl="" TopLevelItemImageUrl="" TopSelectedClass="" ScrollImageBottom=""
ScrollImageBottomDisabled="" ScrollImageTop="" ScrollImageTopDisabled="" >
Please let me know if there is any fix for this issue. Thanks.
Also wanted to add that drop down is covering the entire window.