I work in a big company of software development in Brazil, and we are developing a proof of concept for one of our largest customers, using xamPivotGrid. But we are facing some problems. Could you help us?
The problems are:
1. Is there some limitation in the Silverlight Pivot Grid to use Calculated Metrics? In our proof of concept they don´t appear, just the regular metrics.
2. Is there any limitation on the number of members that can be displayed in each dimension? For larger dimensions we can´t see all members.
3. We also had an error filtering a dimension with many members.
4. Is there a way to format the numeric data that is displayed in the query result?
Thanks a lot!
Thiago Barcellos
Hello Thiago,
Could you specify which data source is your question about - XmlaDataSource or FlatDataSource? The differences between WPF and Silverlight versions are just platform specific and do not affect the functionality.
Hello Plamen, thanks for the response.
The source is a XmlaDataSource and i am using adomd.
I am building my solution based on this article: https://ko.infragistics.com/community/blogs/b/engineering/posts/building-a-custom-data-provider-for-xampivotgrid-in-silverlight-using-wcf-and-adomd-net
This is just a follow up if I can be of any further assistance.