Hi ,
We have upgraded our website from inf version 6 to 11.1 and I am getting following error "The element style can not be nested within the element pager". This website was working fine in previous version. Now we are getting a lot of styling issues. Pager is not showing any style with the intellisense. Its showing Pagerstyle and combostyle. Should I use them and will them work the usual way ? Are there any other major changes there since the version 6.0, in terms of styling? Thanks in advance.
Hi sahotak,
It seems that the style element has been replaced by pagerstyle and combostyle. You can use them like in the example below:
<Pager MinimumPagesForDisplay="2">
<PagerStyle BackColor="LightGray" BorderStyle="Solid" BorderWidth="1px">
<BorderDetails ColorLeft="White" ColorTop="White" WidthLeft="1px"
WidthTop="1px" />
<ComboStyle BackColor="Black" BorderColor="Gray">
<Padding Bottom="5" Left="10" />
I’d suggest you to take advantage of the designer or use the intellisense when trying to find changes in the markup like this.
If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me.
Hello sahotak,
If you need any further assistance with the matter, please let me know.