Our website uses UltraWebMenu tool and we are creating the styles like this:
<ignav:Style BackColor="#537CCB" BorderColor="DarkBlue" CssClass="TopNormal" Cursor="Default" CustomRules="BORDER-TOP: white 1px solid;BORDER-LEFT: white 1px solid;FILTER: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Gradient(GradientType=0, StartColorStr='#537ccb', EndColorStr='#133c8b')" Font-Size="10pt" ForeColor="White" Height="24px" Width="95px"> <BorderDetails StyleRight="Solid" WidthBottom="0px" WidthLeft="0px" WidthRight="1px" WidthTop="0px" /> </ignav:Style>
Its showing following error on topnormal: The class or css class is not defined . Where am I supposed to defined this class ?
Hi sahotak,
You could define the CSS class inside a style tag in the same page or refer an external css file, containing this class. Let me know if this helps.
Hello sahotak,
If you need any further assistance with the matter, please let me know.