i'm using UltraWebMenu, but in IE subitems are blurred.
Attached you can find a page sample and an image with the problem.
The problem is more clear when i zoom content of the page with the browser.
Hello maxanziutti,
This seems to be an issue with text rendering in IE.
Please let me know if you have any other questions.
Hi maxanziutti,
I made some research and I found that this is caused by the expand effects of the menu. Try setting oMenu.ExpandEffects.ShadowWidth = 0. This should solve the issue.
Let me know if this helps.
I'm just checking if you need any further assistance with the matter.
Hi Nicolay
I have the same issue, the itmes appear blurred in the UltrawebMenu. I changed the Effects-Sahdow-with to 0 and the issue persist. Could you give me another solution?