in xaml, TilePane can be added to TileView like:
How to add TilePane to TileView in code so that TilePane can be managed dynamically based on data?
Migrated to XamTileManager, but where is the properties for MinimizedStripLocation and MinimizedStripHeight in xamTileManager?
Hello Benjamin,
I have made a simple project that demonstrates how to add TilePane to TileView in code behind. Please have a look at it and let me know if it resolves your issue. I will investigate the properties for MinimizedStripLocation and MinimizedStripHeight in xamTileManager further and let you know within the next day.
There is no MinimizedStripLocation and MinimizedStripHeight properties in xamTileManager. I suggest you use MaximizedModeSettings of XamTileManager. You can add values to MinimizedTileConstraints and MaximizedTileConstraints properties in order to set width, height or alignment for the xamTiles. Here there is information about MaximizedModeSettings behavior.
Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns on the matter.