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DropDownProvider Issues

I have a WebDataGrid that uses the DropDownProvider I want the user to be able to start typing and the have the matching item selected automatically. I have it working with a few issues.  First, the user is able to delete part of the selected text, thus getting an invalid value that does not match an item in the list.  Is there a way to prevent the user from doing this?  Also, once the user opens the dropdown list, autocomplete no longer works.  The user has to select the selected text or click off of the drop down column and then re-selected it.  What I would like is for the selected text to remain highlighted when opening the drop down list.

Another issue is that when clicking on a column with a drop down in a new row "null" appears until the user selects a an item from the list.  Is there a way to get it to default to the first item in the list for a new row?

Below is the code for the DropDownProvider:

<ig:DropDownProvider ID="ProjectProvider">
                <EditorControl DataSourceID="dsProjects" DropDownContainerMaxHeight="300px"
                    ValueField="ProjectID" ClientIDMode="Predictable"
                    EnableAnimations="False" EnableDropDownAsChild="False"
                    EnableCustomValues="False" EnableCustomValueSelection="False">
                    <DropDownItemBinding TextField="ProjectID" ValueField="ProjectID" />
<DropDownItemBinding TextField="ProjectName" ValueField="ProjectID"></DropDownItemBinding>

  • 25665
    Offline posted

    Hello jlueders,

    Thank you for contacting Infragistics!
    We received your forum post concerning DropDownProvider issue in the WebDataGrid, and this case has been assigned to me. Infragistics is dedicated to helping you solve this issue. Our team and I have done an initial review of your case and I am looking into this matter and will get back to you by the end of the day Tuesday with more information or questions for you.

    Mike P.
    Developer Support Engineer
    Infragistics, Inc.

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