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how to use single control in multiple tabs of Ultrawebtab


Could some one help me with a sample program on how to use single control (WebhierarchicalDataGrid) in multiple tabs of Ultrawebtab?

My Requirement:

create a page with an Ultrawebtab (4 tabs) and a WebHierarchicalDataGrid. 

When user clicks on Tab1 bind the records from Database table1 to WebHierarchicalDataGrid1.

When user clicks on Tab2 bind the records from Database table2 to WebHierarchicalDataGrid1.

When user clicks on Tab3 bind the records from Database table3 to WebHierarchicalDataGrid1.

When user clicks on Tab4 bind the records from Database table4 to WebHierarchicalDataGrid1.

I think this would save time in every postback. Currently I have multiple WebHierarchicalDataGrids on my page and every postback is taking more than 20 secs. 

Thanks in Advance.

  • 37874

    Hi bharat bachu,

    One possible approach would be to create an instance of WebHierarchicalDataGrid in code behind. Then in the  Init event of UltraWebTab you should add the grid to the tab content pane controls collection, get the index of the currently selected tab and set DataSource for the grid accordingly.

    Let me know if this helps.

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