How can you set up the grid, so that when the user tabs, only editable cells are in the tab order?
As far as I know you'd have to use javascript to do this.
Java script:
function OnUwgKeyDown(gn,cellId,KeyStroke) { // Tab Key if (KeyStroke == 9) { SelectNextCell(gn); return true; }}
function SelectNextCell(gridClientId){ var grid = igtbl_getGridById(gridClientId); var cell = grid.getActiveCell(); if(cell != undefined && cell != null) { var nextCell = cell.getNextTabCell(); while(nextCell != undefined && nextCell.isEditable() == false) { nextCell = nextCell.getNextTabCell(); } if(nextCell != undefined) { cell.setSelected(false); nextCell.activate(); nextCell.setSelected(true); } }}
Thanks. It works great for me :)