How can you set up the grid, so that when the user tabs, only editable cells are in the tab order?
If you know the id of the grid in the KeyDown handler of the WebNumericEdit then you can call the SelectNextCell function with the ID of the grid.
Thats what I originally tried to do but I am using WebNumericEdit and the KeyDown there is swallowing up the grids keydown, so the grids event never fires.
As far as I know you'd have to use javascript to do this.
Java script:
function OnUwgKeyDown(gn,cellId,KeyStroke) { // Tab Key if (KeyStroke == 9) { SelectNextCell(gn); return true; }}
function SelectNextCell(gridClientId){ var grid = igtbl_getGridById(gridClientId); var cell = grid.getActiveCell(); if(cell != undefined && cell != null) { var nextCell = cell.getNextTabCell(); while(nextCell != undefined && nextCell.isEditable() == false) { nextCell = nextCell.getNextTabCell(); } if(nextCell != undefined) { cell.setSelected(false); nextCell.activate(); nextCell.setSelected(true); } }}