Hello,I'm trying to set the HighlightDayCriteria without success:
in XAML:
<ig:XamDateNavigator x:Name="dateNavigator" DataManager="{Binding Path=DataManager}" HighlightDayCriteria="DaysWithActivity" TodayButtonVisibility="Visible" DayOfWeekHeaderVisibility="Visible" DayOfWeekHeaderFormat="TwoCharacters"> <swi:Interaction.Triggers> <swi:EventTrigger EventName="SelectedDatesChanged"> <mei:CallMethodAction TargetObject="{Binding}" MethodName="OnSelectedDatesChanged" /> </swi:EventTrigger> </swi:Interaction.Triggers></ig:XamDateNavigator>
<ig:XamOutlookCalendarView DataManager="{Binding Path=DataManager}" DateNavigator="{Binding ElementName=dateNavigator}" />
in code, after settings resources, appointments, calendars and so on I
NotifyPropertyChanged(dataManagerChangeArgs);I see the binding works in the XamOutlookCalendarView, since I can see the appointments, and if I debug the date navigator I can see it has the dataManager and the dataconnector has the appointments. Nonetheless I can't see the days with appointments highlighted.
What am I missing?
Please see the attachment (consider that there are appointments either the 19th and the 21st, but none of the days is highlighted.
Hello Gergana,thank you for your sample, that allowed me to understand what was the problem... nonetheless I have another one now.I was missing the property CurrentUser (or CurrentUserId) of the dataManager. If I set it I can see Highlighted the days containing appointments of that Resource.
Unfortunately my agenda requires multiple owners to be shown at the same time, so I wish there was a CurrentUsers property.Is there a way to highlight the days containing appointments, regardless of one specific Resource?
Hello Roberto,
I have been looking into your issue and have created a small sample for you, named “HighlightDayCriteriaXamDateNavigator”. In the sample I set an appointment for 22.09.2012. and the CurentUserId property for the XamShedueleDataManager. Please find the attached sample and feel free to let me know if you have any further questions.