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UltraWebGrid databinding

Hi, could anybody help in resolving the following problem?

I'm a newbie in Infragistics and really can't understand why I get the following behavior with UltraWebGrid:

I have a simple webform, put UltraWebGrid on it and created a datasource with an SqlSelectCommand retrieving data from a database. Simple 'Select * from Table where id=@id' - I setup id to get its value from a Session variable and setup a default value for it. If I browse my application it will display the proper data regarding default value of session variable.

Then I have some problems.. I want to change the session variable and refresh datagrid to display new data. I put a button and a label on a form and wrote the button OnClick Sub as simple as:

Session("A")=2  ' set new value to a session variable



Label1.Text = "Rows = "+UltraWebGrid1.Rows.Count.ToString


Well, in the result, I'll still have the same rows (nothing has changed with my data in grid), the number of rows changes only if I click the button twice or more.

 What is wrong? :(
