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Problem with Column format on Ultrawebgrid
1.Column formatted to $: Loses the format after doing delete on newly added rows.

dgGrid.DisplayLayout.Bands(0).Columns.FromKey("MAXVALUE").Format = "$ ###,##0"

2.Column formatted as %:

dgGrid.DisplayLayout.Bands(0).Columns.FromKey("PERCEXP").Format = "0%"

I have a column in my grid for which the underlying database column definition is decimal. In the grid I have set the Column format . When the data is displayed it is correct, so a value of .25 displays as 25.00%. The problem is that when you enter the cell the displayed value changes to .25000. Added the column format in Initializelayout.

Is this a bug in the infragistics grid or Is there a work around???????

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  • 45049

    If you need to use formats such as currency or percents, you should use editor controls rather than the Format property on the WebGrid columns.  Specifically, you should use WebCurrencyEdit for currency columns, and WebPercentEdit for percentage columns.

    WebGrid's client-side codebase simply can't keep up with all of the different formats that data can provide, while these specialized editors are able to do so.

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