I have a heirarchial grid that I would like to use LoadOnDemand with but I can't seem to get it to work. When I click on a button which posts back the form and changes the rows in the datasource then the second band doesn't appear.
The bands and columns are created in the aspx page and AutoGenerateColumns is set to false.
Here is a simplified version of my code
Sub Page_Load
if not myGrid.IsXmlHttpRequest then
'-- I connect to the database. I dispose in the unload event.
End if
End Sub
sub btnSearch_click(ByVal sender ....
dim ds as dataset ds = doSearch(txtSearch.text) 'In this function I retrieve the dataset from the database and set the datarelations. myGrid.datasource = ds
end sub
Sub myGrid_InitializeLayout
myGrid.Bands(0).DataKeyField = "ID" myGrid.Bands(1).DataKeyField = "ID, ID2"
Sub myGrid_InitializeDataSource
if myGrid.IsXmlHttpRequest then
'Connect to database. If this is called then I dispose in the pre_render event
dim ds as dataset ds = doSearch(txtSearch.text) myGrid.DataSource = ds
end if
I'm not sure what is going wrong but in the InitializeRow event the second band doesn't seem to exist. Any Ideas?
I figured it out myself. In case anyone has the same problem this is what fixed it.
In the InitializeDataSource event I put the following.
if myGrid.isXmlHttpRequest then 'Connect to database. If this is called then I dispose in the pre_render event
else e.cancel = true end if
I guess that prevents further processing which was clearing the other bands and column info specified in the aspx page.