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Keep With Next?

I have designed a report with a group for which there may be a number of subordinate records (typical master / child arrangement). I have the option to keep each group together on a page but I want to throw a page if I cannot keep the group heading and its subordinate records together on a page.

In most report designers (MS Access, ActiveReports, Crystal etc) this feature is know as [Keep with Next] or [Keep with First] the former ensure that the parent and child records do not get split (unless they are too big to fit on one page), the latter ensures that at least one subordinate record will be displayed below a parent group before a page is thrown.

As it stands I can get a group heading displayed, on its own at the bottom of a page with the subordinate records all together at the top of the next page. This is not desirable.

How do I achieve [Keep with First] or [Keep with Next] ?

Kind regards,


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