We have NetAdvantage Ultimate 2012.2 installed.
I'm trying to learn to work with Reporting and am using the samples as examples.
But in the Reporting samples in the Infragistics.Web.ReportLibrary the NorthwindEntities.datasource is missing.
We have reinstalled the samples already, but that doesn't help.
Is there a way to receive this datasource?
Thank you very much for your help and asistance.
Geert De Vylder
ACC Heerlen - The Netherlands
Hi Miguel,
Thank you for your answer. This helps because we use a full version of SQL Server 2008.
Best Regards,
Hi Geert,
Do you have Sql Server Express installed?, by default the Samples Browser solution tries to attach the Northwind Database (mdf) to a ".\sqlexpress" instance.
If not, please edit the connection strings in app.config of the Infragistics.Web.ReportLibrary project and web.config of the Infragistics.Web.Reporting.Mvc to point to the correct instance name. If you are still having trouble, you can try attaching the mdf files manually or installing Northwind to your server and edit or use one of the commented connection strings (in *.config) to point to it.
mdf files are located in
Samples Browser\Infragistics.Web.ReportLibrary\Data
Samples Browser\Infragistics.Web.Reporting.Mvc\App_Data\storage\en-us\mdf