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Grid row shows vertical scrollbar when expanded - it shouldn't!

Please help!  I have got a grid with two bands.  When I click to expand a row the first time, the grid looks fine.  Then when I click a second row to expand that row, it shows the vertical scroll bars and automatically scrolls all the way to the right.  It doesn't matter which rows I click, it is always the second expansion that causes the scroll bar to appear.

I have the format of the columns set to percentage (ie...

ugPatients.DisplayLayout.Bands[0].Columns.FromKey("ColumnName").Width = System.Web.UI.WebControls.Unit.Percentage(10);)

and all the percentages for each band adds up to 100 percent.  I tried having the percentage equal 80 and smaller, but this didn't help either.  There is no reason why the vertical scrollbar should show.  I have turned off the vertical scrollbar, but since it automatically scrolls to the right when expanding, it hides my plus signs that lets the user expand the row.  Without the scroll bar at that point, a user can't expand the row since they can't scroll back to the beginning of the row.

This is driving me crazy!!!  Any help is appreciated.


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