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XAML Report Viewer Toolbar missing


In a WPF solution I'm working with the XAML Report Viewer in a window where I also work with controls outside the report viewer. This means I do not use the parameter pane.

When I generate the report everything works fine but I do miss the XAML Report Viewer Toolbar.

What settings do I have to change to get it visible? I have tried to change a lot of settings but they do not work.

I enclosed the solution.

Thank you for your help.


Geert De Vylder
  • 3070
    Verified Answer


    I can’t reproduce the problem. I mean, the part were the toolbar disappear. Given that all items are set to adapt to the content size (i.e. window, containing grid, its rows, viewer) once you render the report the viewer is growing so the report gets displayed without scrollbars, which cause a weird effect where the window grows beyond the screen boundaries.

    To fix this you can remove the “SizeToContent="WidthAndHeight”” in the window and change the “<RowDefinition Height="Auto"> .. <RowDefinition Height="*"/>” for an “<RowDefinition Height="*">” (the second is not being used I think) and change the viewer Horizontal and Vertical alignments to Stretch.

    Hope it helps.



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