Recently We have upgrade our infragistic Version to 12.2 from v7.3 ,Previously We have used Webdatechooser of Infragisctics v7.3
In that control When user selecting date from the dropdown Calendar at the movement it self date textbox get changed
But in new version after selected the date user need to click out side of date textbox control to change the date what user have selected
is there any attributes need to be included in wedatepicker control avoid this ?
Hi syed,
Thank you for report. Can you provide a simple sample, which can be used to reproduce that and which exactly event does not close drop-down calendar.
WebDatePicker should close its drop-down when WebMonthCalendar gets selection change event. That event can happen in following situations:1. Mouse is clicked on a day of calendar2. Space or Enter key is pressed when calendar has active day. Active day can be modified by arrow/page/etc. keys3. Today button (footer of calendar) is clicked by mouse
If those events fail to close calendar, then it something wrong with resources or javascript in application. I suggest you to create a temporary aspx, drop there
<asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server"></asp:ScriptManager><ig:WebDatePicker ID="WebDatePicker1" runat="server"></ig:WebDatePicker>
and check how it works. If it fails, then something is wrong with resources (js/css of Infragistics.Web,UI, version of AJAX, or similar). You may check how WebDatePicker is supposed to work in online samples. For example: http://ko.infragistics.com/products/aspnet/sample/date-picker/property-explorer
If your test sample works, but your application does not, then it is something in codes used by application which corrupts global browser events like mousedown or raises (can be hidden) javascript exceptions.