I am using v8.1 in an ASP.Net app (2.0) and can not get the Selected Item to retain between postbacks to the server. It may be that I am just missing something as Asp.Net development is not my strength, but is there something special I have to do? If I click on an Item, I handle the event on the server and can get the clicked item from the event, but when the page is rendered again, the item is no longer selected.
The item should stay selected as long as your not making use of the TargetUrl of the item.
I tested with the following code and did not have any issues:
<iglbar:UltraWebListbar ID="UltraWebListbar1" runat="server" OnItemClicked="UltraWebListbar1_ItemClicked" ViewType="ExplorerBar"> <DefaultItemSelectedStyle BackColor="#FFC0C0"> </DefaultItemSelectedStyle> <Groups> <iglbar:Group Text="Group" TextAlign="Left"> <Labels Collapsed="" Expanded="" Selected="" /> <Items> <iglbar:Item Text="Item"> <Labels Selected="" /> </iglbar:Item> <iglbar:Item Text="Item"> <Labels Selected="" /> </iglbar:Item> </Items> </iglbar:Group> </Groups> </iglbar:UltraWebListbar>
protected void UltraWebListbar1_ItemClicked(object sender, Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebListbar.WebListbarItemEvent e) {