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Why Doesn't Infragistics Reporting Support Collapsed as a Visibility State?

A very useful function of any reporting tool is the ability to turn certain sections of the report on or off depending on the needs of the user. For example, you might want to only show certain sections of a report, or choose to hide the data rows and only show group headings and totals (useful if the user just needs a summary and not the whole thing), or you may want to only show group headers and sub totals where there is more than one data row. This is all pretty basic stuff and you would expect even the most basic of reporting tool to support this function.


You can use a DataBinding to the visibility property to turn it's visibility on and off. This works in so much as it makes whatever you have specified either visible or invisible but it does not support the collapsed function that is standard with most WPF controls. By just making data rows invisible, the report will just show white space (in practice this could be many pages of white space). Obviously, just making areas of the report invisible without collapsing them is rarely of practical use.


Does Infragistics Reporting currently support this collapsed functionality and I've just missed it, or is it something that is likely to be added in the future.



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