I'm having a problem with the vertical scrollbar in the grid overlapping part of the last column. Has any found a solution to this?
I am having the same issue. Is there a solution for this?
This sounds like a bug. You should submit it to developer support so they can take a look at what's going on and log it as a bug for you if necessary.
Deleting the FrameStyle -Width property worked to get rid of the overlap for me, but now the grid resizes itself when you use the vertical scrollbar.
The resize problem goes away if you resize any of the columns manually. Any ideas on the fix for the fix?
Deleting the FrameStyle -Width property is the key, it solved it for me. Thanks canettas.
I've used a new webGrid and found the same problem, when I set the Scroll bar to always the problem disappear...
Now using your example this is what I found:
I've found some inconsistency in your example grid......
One column don't have the width defined and if you sum all the other columns width you get 100%....
You set some display layout propertys in the grid object and set them again in display layout.
Maybe they are affecting the grids functionality....
I've been able to go around this problem fast by 2 ways:
1 - use the horizontal scroll bar...
2 - delete the FrameStyle -Width property and set ScrollBar="Always"
Let me know if it helps