I'm using NetAdvantage ASP.NET v10.3.20120.2217 - Infragistics2.WebUI.UltraWebGrid.v10.3.dll - with IE 10
If I perform a double-click on any area of a row that doesn't contain text, the even fires properly. However, if I perform a double-click on top of any text being displayed in the row, the event does not fire.
I'm surprised I haven't seen other posts about this... Is there a work-around for this issue?
Hello Eric, did you find the solution for this problem, I'm experiencing the same behavior in one of my applications. But i'm not using the grid to edit the cells just for show the rows, and the cell CellClickActionDefault ="RowSelect".
I finally found the solution for the problem of a double click in a row on Internet Explorer 11, if the double click only works in the blank space of a cell but no in the text it's because infragistics is using a non standarized tag <nobr> you can read more about this here: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/nobr.
In order to solve the problem, you need to go to the properties to the UltraWebGrid and in the RowStyleDefault attribute set Wrap="True", and then apply the a class to your webgrid as shown in the link a shared before, and everything is going to work.
Because of this kind of things, I don't like infragistics, if you have this problem you can try this solution, it's working for us.
Hi Bayta Darell
Can you please explain more in the below place of your comment?
you need to go to the properties to the UltraWebGrid and in the RowStyleDefault attribute set Wrap="True", and then apply the a class to your webgrid as shown in the link a shared before, and everything is going to work.
Also Do we have any other solutions other than setting wrap as true?
Expecting your help