I am using Infragistics Ultrawebgrid.
When the user press the delete key on a particular row on the grid, that particular row needs to be deleted. This is working fine.
I used DropDownList with an UltrawebGrid and binding the values using a stored procedure. The DropDownList contains list of items ( e. g. Item1, Item2, Item4, Item5, Item6...).
Item1, Item2, Item4, Item5, Item6...
I used after cell updation ( Client side event in ultrawebgrid) to avoid to choose the same item. When the user chooses the same item it says 'this item already exist'.
When the user chooses an item , the price and weight of the item will appear in that row.
It may be a situation that - after choosing items (say for example item1, item2, item3 ) - the user may delete any one of the selected items ( say for example item1).
item1, item2, item3
So when user press delete on item1 , the item will be deleted.
My problem is after deletion of the item (item1) in Ultrawebgird, if I choose another row (item4) it says 'This item already Exist (but, in that grid there is no such item). .
What do I need to do?
I am using
I don't understand what is exactly your scenario. How are you checking if the selected item from the dropdown exists in the grid? What is the connection between the dropdown items and grid records? What is the grid datasource?
We use the grid here to enter the purchase details of items where we should not allow the same item again to be selected in the grid. For that, we have validated in the aftercellupdatehandler, to alert when the user selects the already existing item in the grid. This works good as coded (If we select any existing item it alerts as exists else accepts the entry in the grid) until we delete a row from the grid by pressing the delete key. Once we delete any row from the grid, then it alerts for any item (even if it is not exists in the grid) that is selected from the dropdown column of grid.
I see there is always 1 row in the grid. What happens after you try to delete the row? Are you saving the changes to the database? Did you try to rebind the grid? It seems like there is another row with the same value in the Item_Name column. Are you sure that this column has unique values?
I'm just checking if you still need assistance with the matter.