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Lost data on second postback

Hi all!

I've encounterd such problems: i'll try to explain step by step

1) (server) In page_load i make databind to grid

2) (client) On the client i see the value 100 in the cell, it's right.

3) (client) I click on cell and change value to 50  and click button to make postback

4) (server) I make databind on page_load

5) (server) In button_click I see the value of cell: 50 - it's correct

6) (client) I click button  again

7)  (server) I make databind on page_load

8) (server)  In button_click I see the value of cell: 100 !!!!!

What the problem?

If before step 6 I change cell value, on step 8 I see correct value.

Please help it's ver frustrating 


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