I want all columns to autofit the grid. With the UltraWinGrid, there was a property called AutoFitStyle. I'd set it to Resize all Columns.
In UltraWebGrid, is there any equivalent?
I found that by setting ColWidthDefault="" in the html source, it seems to have similar functionality. However, I have grid where the first column in the grid is Fixed. As soon as I set the column to fixed, all column headers except the fixed column collapse like an accordian (even thought the rows look normal). As soon as you try to resize on of them, the column headers redraw and correct all columns(?????). To fix that I manually set all Column widths but this causes the Column Header and the Rows to get out of alignment somehow. Is there anything else I need to set or can do to fix this?
Here is how I set the fixed header in code.
I have an UltraWebGrid that I am binding to a strongly typed dataset in code like this...
grid.DataSource = _ds;grid.DataMember = "TableName";grid.DataBind();
In code we setup the grid's layout like so
grid.DisplayLayout.UseFixedHeaders = true;
UltraGridColumn col = gridTransaction.Columns.FromKey("ColumnName"); col.Header.Caption = "Transaction Type"; col.AllowUpdate = Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebGrid.AllowUpdate.No; col.Header.Fixed = true; col.Header.Style.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Center; col.Width = Unit.Pixel(260); col.Move(0);
// Initialize TestMode column
col = grid.Columns.FromKey("ColumnName");col.Header.Caption = "Test/Production";col.Header.Style.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Center;col.Width = Unit.Pixel(100);col.Move(1);
... all other columns created the same
If I comment out the 2 fixed header lines, then the grid columns will autofit correctly.
Looks like it was not fixed in last (march) hot fix?!
Please, excuse us for that. In this case I believe it would be best to contact Dev Support directly.
I have the latest hot fix installed
There was a hotfix recently (Jan 23rd), you can check it out through the following link:
and see the list of issues addressed. Also, in cases like this, it is best to contact support directly for additional information:
Again it was broken...
QA did not touch it?!