Hi Support,
We are currently using XamReportPreview control (WPF 14.2) version to preview the grid data. At a given time in the xamdatagrid we have approximately 5000 records with minimum 50 columns(the columns are dynamic); previewing these many records using XamReportPreview control takes quite a bit of time to generate the preview. We even tried previewing 1000 records using this control, however it took around 34 second to generate preview for 1000 records. Also we found some related post for the same but not found any specific workaround. Can you please let us know if there is any way to reduce the time to generate the preview for bulk data.
Also we are trying to convert .xls into .xps to show preview using "DocumentViewer" control of WPF. So can you please let us know if Infragitiscs has any other control or method to convert the excel file to the “XPS” document format?
--Related threads
Thank you
Let me know if you have any further questions on this.
Hi Rheal Tech,
I removed the converter and trigger. Instead I manually set the Field.HorizontalContentAlignment property to 'Right' if the EditAsTypeResolved returned a numeric type. Then inside the cell, I set the TextBlock's HorizontalAlignment property equal to the Field's HorizontalContentAlignment.
Thanks for the sample Rob.
We have tested your sample and found that it takes approx 48 seconds to load the preview of grid. As you used the converter to set the TextAlignment property, it invokes for each and every cell and there the performance get down. So can you tell us if we could resolve this without using converter or is there any other workaround?
Let me know if you have any further questions on this matter.
You should use the EditAsTypeResolved property on the Field object. I used a converter on the trigger to determine if it was a numeric value, then returned true or false. Based on that I set the TextAlignment property on the TextBlock to Right. Take a look at my sample.