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Can't bind UltraWebGrid to Hierarchical Business Object (from SubSonic)

We're having an issue with the UltraWebGrid. I have  datasource objects created using SubSonic. Let's say the parent and child are related on the property pA (I exclude all the "get/set" code for purposes of brevity);

Public Class Parent
  public int pA;
  public int pB;
  public ChildCollection childColl;

Public Class ParentCollection
  public List<Parent>;

Public Class Child
  public int pA;
  public int cA;
  public string childDesc;

Public Class ChildCollection
   public List<Child>;

Let's ignore how the collections are populated for this discussion.

So my Band[0] should have a collection of Parent objects. My Band[1] should have for each Parent an associated collection of Child objects that match the parent on the pA property and can be found by the property Parent.childColl in each Parent object in the ParentCollection.

We can bind Band[0] to the ParentCollection object just fine. There doesn't seem to even be any syntax to bind Band[1] to the childColl property of each object in the ParentCollection. I think we're overlooking something, but what?

Please provide an example of how to do this. This is driving us all crazy!

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  • 21382

     If that is the object definition the WebGrid will not bind to it.  The WebGrid uses public properties to get it's values, so a class structure like this would work:  As you can see I opened up the member variables as properties. 


            public class Parent
                public Parent()
                    this.childColl = new ChildCollection();
                public int pA;
                public int pB;
                public ChildCollection childColl;

                public int PA
                        return this.pA;

                public ChildCollection Kids
                        return this.childColl;
            #region collections
            public class ParentCollection : List<Parent>
            public class ChildCollection : List<Child>

            public class Child
                public int pA;
                public int cA;
                public string childDesc;

                public Child(int pa, int cA, string desc)
                    this.pA = pa;
                    this.cA = cA;
                    this.childDesc = desc;

                public int CA
                        return this.cA;
                public string DESC
                        return this.childDesc;

            protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
                ParentCollection pc = new ParentCollection();
                Parent p = new Parent();
                p.pA = 1;
                p.pB = 1;

                p = new Parent();
                p.pA = 2;
                p.pB = 1;

                Child c = new Child(p.pA, 1, "Child 1");

                this.UltraWebGrid1.DataSource = pc;
                this.UltraWebGrid1.DisplayLayout.ViewType = Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebGrid.ViewType.Hierarchical;


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