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How to Know child grids Expandable(Toogle) status and How to get the Selected value from Ultra Drop Down list

Hi ,

Can you any body please provide clarification for the below two Issues:


How to know whether the the child grid((Toogle Tree(+)) is expanded or not(When grid is having Parent Nested Grids). I am able to get the status of the Parent grid expandable status using the below code snippet:

 'Verify Toggle row is Expanded or Not

            Dim strToogleStatus AS String

            strToogleStatus  = AMS_Globalvariables.objUltra.GetNAProperty("Rows[0].Expanded")

            If AMS_Globalvariables.strresult = "True" Then

                LogTestResult("Successfully Expanded the Parent grid Premises Row", True)


                LogTestResult("First row of Premises grid is not Expanded", False)

            End If

In the above code i am verifying the expandable property of the parent grid row only. However i need to verify the status for Expanded property for the child grid rows (We have multiple Nested child grids in the winform). Please provide the sample code snippet to get the nested child grid rows(Toogle Tree(+)) expanded property.


How to Get the selected value from the UltraDropDown list using GetNAproperty().

Our requirement is as Below:

Step1: Click on Subjcet of Insurance Drop Down and Type in Coverage 'Golf Course'.

Expected: You will see the list scroll to that Typed Coverage.

We need to verify that the typed coverage is selected in the Drop Down. Plesae provide sample code snippet.

Thanks & Regards,

Vijay Jadi.

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