I have an ultra grid that has some error handling in some cells. When an error is detected, a red exclamation point is displayed and when I hover over the exclamation point, the text for the error is displayed as a tool tip. How can I capture this text? I have QTP 9.2 with .NET add-in and TestAdvantage for Windows Forms 2008 Vol. 2 CLR 2.0 installed.
If you haven't already done so, you might check with your developers and see how the tooltip text is stored (see this forum post: http://community.infragistics.com/forums/p/19744/72704.aspx#72704).
We were able to pull the tooltip text for the toolbar buttons in some of our Windows apps by drilling into the Toolbars Manager and comparing the results to a pre-defined list that is stored in the data table:
Set toolbarsManager = SwfWindow("Company").SwfWindow("Purchase Order").SwfToolbar("_frmAttachments_Toolbars_Dock_").Object.ToolbarsManager toolTip = toolbarsManager.Toolbars.getItem(0).Tools.getItem(iItem).SharedProps.ToolTipText
Unfortunately, retrieving the tooltip text from a grid cell as referenced in FredMan's original post is a much different beast. It doesn't look like he received a solution from Infragistics' Developer Support.
I tried this but never got it to work,
Dim yy = SwfWindow("Bonus Administrator").SwfTable("BranchWorksheetGrid").GetCellData ("0", "LastName")If Len(Trim(y)) > 0 ThenReporter.ReportEvent 0, "The last name is", yElseReporter.ReportEvent 1, "The last name is", yEnd If
Hi FredMan,
how did you do that with your Hovertooltip?I can't do that. I dont know how to get the Text from the Hovercell.
Best regards
David Mueller
Thank you. I'll do that.
I apologize, I misunderstood the case. Please submit a support request to Infragistics Developer Support.