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How to access the AutoHide tabs in the UltraTabcontrol of Infragistics.


Am using QTP 9.1 for automating our .Net application.

In one of the scenarios, there is an UltraTabControl which has two tabs in it.

One of the tab name is Sections,If I move my mouse over this section tab,a contol pane get displayed with a pin,(We can pin it if we want.)

This feature is similar to the different panes in Information pane,debug...etc..

I want to click on that Sections tab.

When I used the .net spy in QTP,i found that this sections Control pane has a property called "Pinned" which can take values True or False.

When I made the Pinned property to True  like shown below, I was able to activate that control pane.

set objUnpinnedTab = Window("Sunrise Acute Care").SwfWindow("Structured Notes Entry").SwfObject("_SNCreateUnpinnedTabAreaLeft").Object.Manager

objUnpinnedTab.ControlPanes.GetItem(1).pinned = true

But when I set the same thing to false as shown below,I had no luck..It should actually disappear.(Auto Hide)

objUnpinnedTab.ControlPanes.GetItem(1).pinned = false

It displays as if the Pin is unpinned,but the pane does not hide.

When I change the value of that Pinned property to true and false in my .net spy,it reflects in the application as expected.But when I do the same thing from QTP Pinning is still fine,But unpinning only unpins,but the pane does not autohide.

Please help me...

Can you please give me your help on this.


Ram Priya

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    I tried using the following code.

    objTab.ControlPanes.GetItem(0).FlyOut False,True 


    I am able to see the tab sliding out and getting pinned,If i run the following code:

    objTab.Unpin() , it unpins the tab.

    objTab.ControlPanes.GetItem(0).FlyIn(). This slides in the tab.

    But the next time I run the same,I am getting "DragDrop registration failed" Exception.

    I am very much struck up with this.Any help on this is really really appreciated.

    So do I have to initialise any other property or call some method along with this to allow smooth Dragdrop operation?Please advise..



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