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Unable to recognize a fixed row in a table


The AUT is a .net Windows form application with infragistics controls. The scenario is something like this:

We have a swfTable and we are able to get the rowcount and columncount using QTP. At the bottom

of the table, the AUT has a fixed row which never changes its position even if you scroll the vertical

scroll bar. The rowcount does not include this row. We have to get the values in this row.

The QTP is not at all identifying the row as a seperate objects as well.

Following are some details:

* QTP version: 10

* .Net Framework: 3.5 SP1

* Have installed "Infragistics test Advantage for windows forms (HP) 2010.3"  and version 10.3CLR2.0 selected from version utility.

Also, after the installation of "Infragistics test Advantage for windows forms (HP) 2010.3" and while debugging the code, we got the error "Could not load file or assembly 'Infragistics2.Win.v10.3, Version=10.3.20103.9000, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7dd5c3163f2cd0cb' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file "specified.".

Could someone help us on these issues?

  • 7695
    Offline posted


       The one part you didn't specify that seems pertinent is what version of NetAdvantage are you using? TestAdvantage requires that it be used only against the same version of NetAdvantage. But also since you mentioned .NET 3.5, and the fact that the error message, was Could not load file, and not Unable to cast object of type. I am half thinking you are using TestAdvantage for .NET WinForms on WPF controls its either that or perhaps the NetAdvantage assemblies that you are using are version-free, but the TestAdvantage assemblies that you are recording with are versioned. Can you verify exactly what NetAdvantage controls and what version you are testing against?