I am using a column chart and on the Y-axis I need to display a "," if the number of digits exceeds 3. For eg. if the Y-axis labels are ranging from 1 to 1000...then I want to display 1000 as 1,000....how do I achieve this?
Also, how is it possible to change the column width so that the column doesnt occupy the entire chart area, if I have just 1 column coming from teh Database?
1. set chart.Axis.Y.Labels.ItemFormatString to <DATA_VALUE:0,0.##>2. Column width is typically auto-calculated and in case of a single datapoint SeriesSpacing and ColumnSpacing will have no effect. You can try setting X axis margins, like so:ultraChart1.Axis.X.Margin.Near.Value = 10ultraChart1.Axis.X.Margin.Far.Value = 10