There are two Webdatagrids in my project. I want to get the cell values from top grid and set the value in new row in the bottom grid.There are some cells common in both the grids where the cell value will be set.This is just to add the selected row from top grid in bottom grid on click of button.
var templateGrid = $find("<%=WebDataGrid1.ClientID%>"); //top grid
var gridBehaviors = templateGrid.get_behaviors();var template_row = gridBehaviors.get_selection().get_selectedRows().getItem(0);
var gridBehaviors = templateGrid.get_behaviors();
var instanceGrid = $find("<%=WebDataGrid2.ClientID%>"); //bottom grid var newRow = new Array("EI_ID", "EP_NAME", "EP_ID", "CR_PAGENUM", "EI_GRAPH_SCALE");// the column in bold are common in both grids
For eg. I want to set the value of "EP_NAME" from top grid to "EP_NAME" column in bottom grid.
I want to add the selected row from top grid in the bottom grid. How can I achieve this?
Hello,Thank you for contacting Infragistics Support!We are currently looking into this matter and will keep you posted of any available information.Please do not hesitate to contact us with any updates or additional questions regarding this scenario in the meantime.
Best Regards,
I am referring a topic how to add row to grid - http://help.infragistics.com/Doc/ASPNET/Current/CLR4.0/?page=WebDataGrid_Row_Adding.html
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask.
Hello,If you need any additional assistance with this case feel free to contact me. I will keep this case open for another three days while I am waiting for your response. If at that time you haven`t responded, I will close it. Please note that closed cases may be reopened within thirty days of closure.Thank you for choosing Infragistics components