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set tooltip property is not being updated


Im facing a problem, Im trying to update the tooltip of a webimagebutton without success.  I have a webdatagrid, where i have always 2 records, the first one is an editable record, and the other one is a non editable record. So, i have a single button "Edit", which when i select the editable record should say "Edit", and when i select the non editable record, should say "View". Everything works fine, the problem is with the tooltip. 

This is the code of the button(by default)

OnClick="m_editButton_Click" ToolTip="Edit selected device configuration.">

As you can see, by default, the text and tooltop refers to "Edit". And this, the javascript function where modifies the button text according selection made

function m_gridAfterRowActivate(gridName, rowId) {
var editButton = ig_getWebControlById("<%=m_editbutton.clientid%>");
if (isDefaultDevice)

As you can see, Im able to modify the Text to "View", once i select to the non editable record and viceversa, but, im not able to do it with tooltip. I was checking the documentation and im only see the setText method available for that purpose.

So, the question is : Is it possible to set the button tooltip according the option selected? Is there any available trick for that?

Thanks in advance for your support.

Kind Regards

  • 11095
    Verified Answer
    Offline posted

    Hello Carlos,

    Thank you for contacting Infragistics!

    You can use change the title of element.

    document.getElementById("<%=m_editbutton.clientid%>" + "__1").title = 'Desired value';

    Let me know if you need further assistance.