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CSOM Documentation Lacking/Missing?

I'm extremely frustrated by the lack of clear documentation concerning the Infragistics control set. Whenever I see a post with questions concerning how to call client side functionality, an Infragistics agent posts back and helps the user fix the problem. However, this is completely absurd and unnecessary. There should be something which lists the functions and properties of the control. While there appears to be documentation for server-side events, the client side is mostly undocumented (unless I can't find it, and I've scoured this site, so if there is documentation, it isn't readily apparent). On WebDataGrid, I want to utilize "eventArgs", but without any documentation on what properties and methods can be called, it's completely useless. I don't want to keep coming back to your site to get help. How am I supposed to learn how to use this control set if there isn't anything which helps a new user understand what can be called? I was under the impression the Infragistics controls were supposed to be easier to use, but in many cases, I've had to revert back to standard ASP.NET controls to get something done. That is extremely frustrating after spending money on something billed as an easy-to-use control set.

  • 205
    Offline posted

    Here's an example of something I found (but doesn't work) on a help discussion:


    How is anyone supposed to know these functions? Additionally, when I run it, JavaScript tells me that get_item() is not a valid function of eventArgs. How would I know that except the JS debugger told me? How am I to learn if it's all "trial and error"?

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