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Re-sizing Images in a Report

I have seen an article on this which suggests that I should create an IText element and add the image to that while specifying a size but I have found that while I can add an image to my document section directly, if I try to use

        Dim imagetext As IText = section.AddText()
        imagetext.AddContent(image, new Size(820,840))

...then my page falls over with an 'out of memory' exception every time.  I have tried to re-size the image outside of the report and then add it normally but the quality which seems fine when viewinbg the image in Paint Shop is very poor when viewing the resultant PDF.  is there anything I can do to either

Make the image fit the available width of the section

Resize the image prior to adding to the section

get around the out of memory exception if I leave it up to Infragistics

Note I am using Infragistics 12.2 as I cannot change the .NET version.

  • 2525

    Hello Chris,

    At what point in execution is the exception being thrown?

    Also note, 12.2 is no longer supported. Here is a link with more information on our product lifecycle: