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Value must not be null for Controls and Behaviors

hello, I have a problem with this object when I go to deploy the third level, I get this message. in the test team I work correctly but when I get on the server I get this error, please if anyone knows how to solve would appreciate your help, this supplement was purchased from the company for which I work this week and managers want to see its functionality 100 %
   <Div style = "margin-top: 30px; font-size: 1px;">

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                                            <Header Text = "Nit" />
                                        </ Ig: BoundDataField>
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                                            <Header Text = "Customer Name" />
                                        </ Ig: BoundDataField>

                                        <Ig: BoundDataField DataFieldName = "VTA_HOY" Key = "VTA_HOY" Width = "10%" DataFormatString = "{0: C2}">
                                            <Header Text = "Sale Today" />
                                        </ Ig: BoundDataField>
                                        <Ig: BoundDataField DataFieldName = "VTA_AYER" Key = "VTA_AYER" Width = "10%" DataFormatString = "{0: C2}">
                                            <Header Text = "Sale Yesterday" />
                                        </ Ig: BoundDataField>
                                        <Ig: BoundDataField DataFieldName = "VTA_ACUM" Key = "VTA_ACUM" Width = "10%" DataFormatString = "{0: C2}">
                                            <Header Text = "Accrued Sale" />
                                        </ Ig: BoundDataField>
                              </ Columns>
                          </ Ig: Band>
                      </ Bands>
                                                             <Ig: BoundDataField DataFieldName = "ZONE" Key = "ZONE" Width = "8%">
                                <Header Text = "Zone" />
                            </ Ig: BoundDataField>
                            <Ig: BoundDataField DataFieldName = "Code" Key = "Code" Width = "4%">
                                <Header Text = "Code" />
                            </ Ig: BoundDataField>
                            <Ig: BoundDataField DataFieldName = "NOMBRE_ASESOR" Key = "NOMBRE_ASESOR" Width = "17%">
                                <Header Text = "Name Advisor" />
                            </ Ig: BoundDataField>
                             <Ig: BoundDataField DataFieldName = "BUDGET" Key = "BUDGET" Width = "9%" DataFormatString = "{0: C2}">
                                <Header Text = "Budget" />
                            </ Ig: BoundDataField>
                            <Ig: BoundDataField DataFieldName = "PP_DIARIO" Key = "PP_DIARIO" Width = "7%" DataFormatString = "{0: C2}">
                                <Header Text = "Daily Budget" />
                            </ Ig: BoundDataField>
                            <Ig: BoundDataField DataFieldName = "VTA_HOY" Key = "VTA_HOY" Width = "7%" DataFormatString = "{0: C2}">
                                <Header Text = "Sale Today" />
                            </ Ig: BoundDataField>
                            <Ig: BoundDataField DataFieldName = "VTA_AYER" Key = "VTA_AYER" Width = "7%" DataFormatString = "{0: C2}">
                                <Header Text = "Sale Yesterday" />
                            </ Ig: BoundDataField>
                            <Ig: BoundDataField DataFieldName = "VTA_ACUM" Key = "VTA_ACUM" Width = "7%" DataFormatString = "{0: C2}">
                                <Header Text = "Accrued Sale" />
                            </ Ig: BoundDataField>
                            <Ig: BoundDataField DataFieldName = "% CUMP" Key = "% CUMP" Width = "4%" DataFormatString = "{0: # ##%.}">
                                <Header Text = "% Compliance" />
                            </ Ig: BoundDataField>
                            <Ig: BoundDataField DataFieldName = "VTA_PRESUSP" Key = "VTA_PRESUSP" Width = "9%" DataFormatString = "{0: C2}">
                                <Header Text = "Sale Budgeted" />
                            </ Ig: BoundDataField>
                            <Ig: BoundDataField DataFieldName = "% PRESUSP" Key = "% PRESUSP" Width = "4%" DataFormatString = "{0: # ##%.}">
                                <Header Text = "% Budget" />
                            </ Ig: BoundDataField>
                            <Ig: BoundDataField DataFieldName = "PROY_MES" Key = "PROY_MES" Width = "9%" DataFormatString = "{0: C2}">
                                <Header Text = "Designing Month" />
                            </ Ig: BoundDataField>
                      </ Columns>
                  </ Ig: Band>
              </ Bands>
              <GroupingSettings EnableColumnGrouping = "True">
              </ GroupingSettings>
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                        <Header Text = "Regional" />
                    </ Ig: BoundDataField>
                    <Ig: BoundDataField DataFieldName = "BUDGET" Key = "BUDGET" Width = "9%" DataFormatString = "{0: C2}">
                        <Header Text = "Budget" />
                    </ Ig: BoundDataField>
                    <Ig: BoundDataField DataFieldName = "PP_DIARIO" Key = "PP_DIARIO" Width = "8%" DataFormatString = "{0: C2}">
                        <Header Text = "Daily Budget" />
                    </ Ig: BoundDataField>
                    <Ig: BoundDataField DataFieldName = "VTA_HOY" Key = "VTA_HOY" Width = "8%" DataFormatString = "{0: C2}">
                        <Header Text = "Sale Today" />
                    </ Ig: BoundDataField>
                    <Ig: BoundDataField DataFieldName = "VTA_AYER" Key = "VTA_AYER" Width = "8%" DataFormatString = "{0: C2}">
                        <Header Text = "Sale Yesterday" />
                    </ Ig: BoundDataField>
                    <Ig: BoundDataField DataFieldName = "VTA_ACUM" Key = "VTA_ACUM" Width = "9%" DataFormatString = "{0: C2}">
                        <Header Text = "Accrued Sale" />
                    </ Ig: BoundDataField>
                    <Ig: BoundDataField DataFieldName = "% CUMP" Key = "% CUMP" Width = "8%" DataFormatString = "{0: # ##%.}">
                        <Header Text = "% Compliance" />
                    </ Ig: BoundDataField>
                    <Ig: BoundDataField DataFieldName = "VTA_PRESUSP" Key = "VTA_PRESUSP" Width = "9%" DataFormatString = "{0: C2}">
                        <Header Text = "Sale Budgeted" />
                    </ Ig: BoundDataField>
                    <Ig: BoundDataField DataFieldName = "% PRESUSP" Key = "% PRESUSP" Width = "6%" DataFormatString = "{0: # ##%.}">
                        <Header Text = "% Budget" />
                    </ Ig: BoundDataField>
                    <Ig: BoundDataField DataFieldName = "PROY_MES" Key = "PROY_MES" Width = "9%" DataFormatString = "{0: C2}">
                        <Header Text = "Designing Month" />
                    </ Ig: BoundDataField>
                    <Ig: BoundDataField DataFieldName = "EFFECTIVENESS" Key = "EFFECTIVENESS" Width = "6%" DataFormatString = "{0:. # ##%}">
                        <Header Text = "% Effectiveness" />
                    </ Ig: BoundDataField>
              </ Columns>
          </ Ig: WebHierarchicalDataGrid>
          <Ig: WebHierarchicalDataSource ID = "DatoEnCascada1" runat = "server">
                  <Ig: DataView ID = "Cadena1_DefaultView" DataMember = "DefaultView" DataSourceID = "String1" />
                  <Ig: DataView ID = "Cadena2_DefaultView" DataMember = "DefaultView" DataSourceID = "String2" />
                  <Ig: DataView ID = "Cadena3_DefaultView" DataMember = "DefaultView" DataSourceID = "string3" />
              </ DataViews>
                  <Ig: DataRelation ChildColumns = "REGIONAL" ChildDataViewID = "Cadena2_DefaultView" ParentColumns = "REGIONAL" ParentDataViewID = "Cadena1_DefaultView" />
                  <Ig: DataRelation ChildColumns = "REGIONAL CODE" ChildDataViewID = "Cadena3_DefaultView" ParentColumns = "REGIONAL CODE" ParentDataViewID = "Cadena2_DefaultView" />
              </ DataRelations>
          </ Ig: WebHierarchicalDataSource>
          <Asp: SqlDataSource ID = "string3" runat = "server" ConnectionString = "<% $ ConnectionStrings: CENTRAL%>" SelectCommand = "REGIONAL select, CODE, f.NIT, RTRIM (pc.nombre) CLIENT, isnull (VTA_HOY, 0) VTA_HOY, isnull (VTA_AYER, 0) VTA_AYER, isnull (VTA_ACUM, 0) VTA_ACUM from esp_ventas_regional_vendedor_cli f, mtprocli pc with (nolock) where f.nit = pc.nit and f.usuario=@USUARIO and @ buscarCM = 'True 'and (regional code is not null or is not null) ">

                            <Asp: SessionParameter Name = "USER" SessionField = "CODIGOUSUARIOS" Type = "String" />
                            <Asp: SessionParameter Name = "buscarCM" SessionField = "buscarCM" Type = "Boolean" />
                  <Asp: SessionParameter Name = "ANO" SessionField = "anoCM" Type = "String" />
                  <Asp: SessionParameter Name = "MES" SessionField = "mesCM" Type = "String" />

                </ SelectParameters>

          </ Asp: SqlDataSource>
          <Asp: SqlDataSource ID = "String2" runat = "server" ConnectionString = "<% $ ConnectionStrings: CENTRAL%>" SelectCommand = "select REGIONAL,ZONA,CODIGO,NOMBRE_ASESOR,PRESUPUESTO,PP_DIARIO,VTA_HOY,VTA_AYER,VTA_ACUM,[%CUMP],VTA_PRESUSP,[%PRESUSP],PROY_MES Where esp_ventas_regional_vendedor from user = @ and @ buscarCM USER = 'True' and anus year and month = @ = @ month and VTA_ACUM + BUDGET <> 0 ">

                            <Asp: SessionParameter Name = "USER" SessionField = "CODIGOUSUARIOS" Type = "String" />
                            <Asp: SessionParameter Name = "buscarCM" SessionField = "buscarCM" Type = "Boolean" />
                             <Asp: SessionParameter Name = "ANO" SessionField = "anoCM" Type = "String" />
                  <Asp: SessionParameter Name = "MES" SessionField = "mesCM" Type = "String" />
                </ SelectParameters>

          </ Asp: SqlDataSource>
          <Asp: SqlDataSource ID = "String1" runat = "server" ConnectionString = "<% $ ConnectionStrings: CENTRAL%>" SelectCommand = "select REGIONAL,PRESUPUESTO,PP_DIARIO,VTA_HOY,VTA_AYER,VTA_ACUM,[%CUMP],VTA_PRESUSP,[%PRESUSP],PROY_MES,EFECTIVIDAD Where esp_ventas_regional from user = @ and @ buscarCM USER = 'True' and VTA_ACUM + BUDGET <> 0 and year = @ year and month = @ month ">

                            <Asp: SessionParameter Name = "USER" SessionField = "CODIGOUSUARIOS" Type = "String" />
                            <Asp: SessionParameter Name = "buscarCM" SessionField = "buscarCM" Type = "Boolean" />
                             <Asp: SessionParameter Name = "ANO" SessionField = "anoCM" Type = "String" />
                  <Asp: SessionParameter Name = "MES" SessionField = "mesCM" Type = "String" />

                </ SelectParameters>

          </ Asp: SqlDataSource>

  • 845
    Offline posted

    Hello Ivan,

    Thank you for contacting Infragistics!

    I have reviewed the provided code but I was unable to determine the source of the issue.

    I would need to test and debug it, please provide a working sample project replicating the issue.